Sotiria Gizani obtained her Dental Degree from the University of Thessaloniki and then completed her 6-year postgraduate studies in Paediatric Dentistry at the KU Leuven (Belgium), including her “Master in Dental Sciences” and Doctorate (PhD). Afterwards she returned to Greece and since then she has been working at the Department of Paediatric Dentistry in the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, initially as a lecturer and later as an Assistant Professor. She is currently Associate Professor and Chair of the Department as well as Director of the Postgraduate program at the same University which is one of the seven EAPD accredited postgraduate programs in Europe. She has served on several committees in EAPD and she is currently the Secretary of EAPD as well as coordinator of the Galileo Project of the Academy. She has published more than 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals and received international awards. Her research interests focus mainly on clinical trials regarding prevention and management of caries in young children, early orthodontic treatment, oral health care of patients with special needs and vulnerable children as well as communication and behavior management in the dental setting.